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Things looking a little different with the EWC?
Things looking a little different with the EWC?

What you see, and how you feel when you interact with us is important.

Over the past few months, you will have noticed a change in how many of our communications look – from our colours, to our typeface, to the language we use.

This is all to improve the service and experience you receive.

Why have we decided to make changes?

As an organisation, we are committed to being inclusive. We want everyone to be able understand our work and to engage with us, so have made improvements to our communications to ensure this is the case.

So, what has changed?

One of the biggest changes you will see is to our website - that’s because we have undertaken a full redesign.

The new site has a much simpler, cleaner look. We’ve changed the layout on some of our webpages and the structure of some of our menus to make sure users have the best possible journey. All of our content has been reviewed, and rewritten (where required) to make sure that what you see is accessible, consistent, and accurate. The website is also now fully responsive so will be accessible no matter the device you are using.

We have also moved our accessibility toolbar (ReachDeck) icon to a more prominent position at the top of the page. ReachDeck is a tool from Texthelp which helps us to make our online content more accessible. It provides all users with additional accessibility features including text-to-speech, picture dictionary, text magnifier, and screen masking.

Alongside the website, we have been redesigning a number of our core pieces of corporate literature including our leaflets, publications, and an all-new corporate animation. These are consistent in design, jargon free, and better represent the education workforce in Wales.

Hayden Llewellyn, our Chief Executive said “As the independent, professional regulator for the education workforce in Wales, it is vital that those who wish to engage with us can do so without limitations or restrictions.

“Our Strategic Plan and Strategic Equality Plan sets out our ambitions in terms of being a forward-looking, independent, and responsive regulator, committed to fairness, diversity, and equality of opportunity. In order to achieve this, we need to ensure that our audiences can interact with us in the manner most comfortable to them.

“I’m delighted with the work we have achieved so far, but we will not become complacent. We will continue to look for ways we can improve further, ensuring that we are able to effectively deliver our core function of regulating in the public interest.”

Want to provide feedback?

All of this has been undertaken with you, our audience, in mind, so it’s important for us to make sure we are getting things right. If you would like to feedback on the changes we have made, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..